About us
Who We Are
We have also been known as MIDAS – the Mater Intellectual Disability and Autism Service, and QCIDD – the Queensland Centre for Intellectual and Development Disabilities. Our goals remain the same: to improve the health and wellbeing of people with intellectual disability and those on the autism spectrum. Our staff include psychiatrists, a general practitioner, a visiting rehabilitation medicine physician, nurses, psychologists, an occupational therapist, a speech pathologist, a social worker, and a team of research staff including research assistants with lived experience. We also have a manager and administrative staff.
What We Do
Clinical Service
QCEAIDH provides a specialist outpatient service located at Mater Hospital South Brisbane for patients with diagnosed or suspected Intellectual Disability and/or Autism and complex support needs that are referred by their GP, specialists or Queensland Mental Health Service for additional health assessment and advice. These services are provided by our clinic, formerly known as MIDAS, and a new part of service, the Queensland Centre of Excellence in Intellectual and Developmental Disability – Mental Health (QCE IDD MH). The outpatient clinic is also a teaching clinic, attended by students, trainees and qualified staff who want to improve their knowledge and skills in this area.
QCEAIDH undertakes research to improve the health and wellbeing of people with intellectual disability and autistic people using inclusive research principles of co-design in all research activities. We have a strong track record in this area with the research agenda spanning health services and clinical research. Our research includes clinical trials and projects that will require staff to be involved in data collection and analysis.
Education and Training
QCEAIDH delivers tailored education to support the current and emerging (i.e. undergraduate and postgraduate) health workforce to better respond to the health and mental health needs of people with an intellectual or developmental disability across the lifespan.
We are also involved in the National Centre of Excellence in Intellectual Disability Health, as one of the nine consortium member organisations. You can learn more about the National Centre here: https://nceidh.org.au/

Throughout our website we have used images, some of which have been adapted, from the easy on the i initiative. We would like to thank them for allowing the use of these images on our website. Further designs have been used from vectorjuice on freepik.