Intellectual Disability and Primary Care – Resources

General Resources

These resources are for primary health professionals who want some general information about intellectual disability in primary practice.

Prevalence of Disability in Australia

Data from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare on the prevalence of disability in Australia

Nursing Care for people with Intellectual Disability

A paper written by nurse and disability advocate Virgina Howie

Key Insights from SPIDAH for Primary Care

A project report from Supporting People with Intellectual Disability Access Healthcare

The Comphrensive Health Assessment Programme (CHAP)

These resources are about the CHAP and its use in primary care for people with intellectual disability.

Evaluation of the CHAP

A paper on the effects of the CHAP


Case Conference - CHAP

A webinar covering a wrap around model of care, based on the outcomes of a CHAP assessment.

Medicare Schedule Numbers

Medicare schedule numbers for GPs


How to Complete the CHAP

A video showing how to complete the CHAP


Lived Experience of the CHAP

A video of a person’s experience of being administered the CHAP

Diabetes and Intellectual Disability

These resources are specific to supporting people with an intellectual disability and diabetes.

Communicating about Diabetes

A booklet from the NDSS on effective communication with people with ID about diabetes


Online Course about Intellectual Disability and Diabetes

Online education about diabetes for professionals in primary care roles.

Talking to people with Intellectual Disability about Diabetes

Tips to talking about diabetes with a person with intellectual disability

Reasonable Adjustments

Guidelines on reasonable adjustments for people with intellectual disability and diabetes in healthcare